Articles: Maths

Articles about Maths

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Published - A Machine Learning Platform for the Discovery of Materials - 27 May 2022

My research has been published in the Journal of Cheminformatics.


Calculating the Determinant of a 3 x 3 Matrix - 04 Aug 2018

Calculating the determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix is relatively trivial; the Laplace expansion is the method used here.


Least Squares Polynomial Fitting to N-Data Points - 04 Aug 2018

The least squares method can be used to fit a polynomial to a set of data points.


The Power Rule - Calculus - 04 Jun 2018

The Power Rule in Calculus is used when finding derivatives, and can be simplified to the following steps: Multiply the term by the exponent (power) Subtract 1 from the exponent The result of taking the derivative of `f(x)` is often writte...


QSharp: PauliZGate - 04 Jun 2015

The quantum Z gate is represented by the Pauli-Z matrix.


QSharp: PauliYGate - 03 Jun 2015

The quantum Y gate is represented by the Pauli-Y matrix.


QSharp: PauliXGate - 02 Jun 2015

The quantum X gate is represented by the Pauli-X matrix, and as such is the quantum NOT gate.


QSharp: the Register - 19 May 2015

The Register type represents a quantum state vector, which can be viewed as analogous to a memory register.


QSharp: Getting Started - 13 May 2015

Getting started with QSharp is easy.


Introducing QSharp - a C# quantum computing simulator - 12 May 2015

I remember the first time I heard about Quantum Computing - the basic concept seemed too fantastic to be true, with many of the fundamental principles seeming counter-intuitive and almost ridiculous to me.


Hamming Distance - 26 May 2014

The Hamming distance can be essentially thought of as the number of differences counted between two strings of equal length.


Proof by Mathematical Induction - 30 Apr 2014

Providing proof by Mathematical Induction allows us to prove that a recursive function will return the correct value for any value within its sequence.


The Distance Between Two Points - 13 Mar 2014

What can mathematics do for your programming? That's an interesting question to explore, even more so when answered with an example.


Set Theory: Difference - 12 Mar 2014

In set theory, the difference operation determines which elements from one set do not appear in the elements of another given set.


Set Theory: Intersect - 03 Mar 2014

In set theory, the intersect operation determines which elements from a set intersect with elements from any given sets.


Set Theory: Union - 03 Mar 2014

In set theory, the union operation is a enumerative combinatorial function that combines distinct elements found in any of the given sets.


Factorials - 28 Feb 2014

The factorial of an integer is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to that number.


Square Matrix to Column Vector Multiplication - 18 Dec 2013

In quantum computing, gate type operations are performed via matrix multiplication.


Matrix Notation - 12 Dec 2013

Matrix notation is a pain to deal with when writing in plain text/typing on a computer.


Multiplication using Complex Numbers - 06 Dec 2013

Here are three useful methods for multiplying complex terms: FOIL – First, Outer, Inner, Last Gathering Like Terms Expand Terms Consider the rule: (a + bi)(c + di) Where i denotes an imaginary number.


The Qubit - 18 Nov 2013

Like most programmers of classical computers, understanding the basics of quantum information and the underlying mechanics can be a bit of a leap.


Prime Number Calculation in C# - 10 Nov 2013

A simple method for prime calculation involves: Calculate the square root of the number Setup a positively incrementing loop from 2 to the square root Attempt to divide the number by the loop value If the result of this calculation is greater t...



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