03 Jun 2015
C#, F#, Maths, QSharp, Quantum Computing
The quantum Y gate is represented by the Pauli-Y matrix. It can be used to perform Y operations on a single qubit.
In QSharp, the Y gate implementation is provided by the PauliYGate type. Like all QSharp gate implementations, this type inherits from the Matrix type, which describes a mathematical matrix structure used in all gate operations. The mathematics of the PauliYGate are discussed further in the Y command documentation.
Consider the following C# code, which demonstrates various PauliYGate type functionality:
public static void Main(string[] Arguments) { // Construct a register with 2 random qubits Register oRegister = new Register(2); // Always check that we start off with a valid register if (oRegister.IsNormalised() == false) { oRegister.Normalise(); } // Write the initial state to the console WriteQubits(oRegister); WriteStateVector(oRegister); Console.WriteLine(); // Construct a new Pauli Y gate PauliYGate oPauliYGate = new PauliYGate(); // What does the Pauli Y gate look like? Console.WriteLine("Pauli Y:"); Console.WriteLine(oPauliYGate); // Apply the gate to qubit 0 Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Y(0);"); oRegister.StateVector = oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(oRegister); // Write the state to the console WriteStateVector(oRegister); // Apply the gate to qubit 0 - note that this is a reversible operation Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Y(0);"); oRegister.StateVector = oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(oRegister); // Write the state to the console WriteStateVector(oRegister); // Now apply the gate to qubit 1 (this is also reversible operation) Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Y(1);"); oRegister.StateVector = oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(1, oRegister); WriteStateVector(oRegister); } private static void WriteQubits(Register Register) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Qubits:"); for (int i = 0; i < Register.Qubits.Count; i++) { Console.Write("({0}|0> + {1}|1>)", Register.Qubits[i].AlphaLabel, Register.Qubits[i].BetaLabel); if (i < (Register.Qubits.Count - 1)) { Console.Write(" (x) "); } } Console.WriteLine(); } private static void WriteStateVector(Register Register) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("State Vector:"); Console.Write("|v> = ("); for (int i = 0; i < Register.StateVector.Length; i++) { // Using the overload to control the output Console.Write(Register.StateVector[i].ToString(true, false)); if (i < (Register.StateVector.Length - 1)) { Console.Write(" + "); } } Console.WriteLine(")"); }
And again, this time in F#
type Program() = [<EntryPoint>] static let main argv = // Construct a register with 2 random qubits let oRegister = new Register(2) // Always check that we start off with a valid register if oRegister.IsNormalised() = false then oRegister.Normalise() // Write the initial state to the console Program.WriteQubits(oRegister) Program.WriteStateVector(oRegister) printfn "" // Construct a new Pauli Y gate let oPauliYGate = new PauliYGate(); // What does the Pauli Y gate look like? let sPauliY = oPauliYGate.ToString() printfn "Pauli Y:" printfn "%s" sPauliY // Apply the gate to qubit 0 printfn "" printfn "Y(0);" oRegister.StateVector <- oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(oRegister); // Write the state to the console Program.WriteStateVector(oRegister); // Apply the gate to qubit 0 - note that this is a reversible operation printfn "" printfn "Y(0);" oRegister.StateVector <- oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(oRegister); // Write the state to the console Program.WriteStateVector(oRegister); // Now apply the gate to qubit 1 (this is also reversible operation) printfn "" printfn "Y(1);" oRegister.StateVector <- oPauliYGate.ApplyTo(1, oRegister); Program.WriteStateVector(oRegister); 0 // return an integer exit code static member WriteQubits(register: Register) = printfn "" printfn "Qubits:" for i in 0 .. (register.Qubits.Length - 1) do let oQubit = register.Qubits.[i] printf "(%s|0> + %s|1>)" oQubit.AlphaLabel oQubit.BetaLabel if i < (register.Qubits.Length - 1) then printf " (x) " printfn "" static member WriteStateVector(register: Register) = printfn "" printfn "State Vector:" printf "|v> = (" for i in 0 .. (register.StateVector.Length - 1) do // Using the overload to control the output let sState = register.StateVector.[i].ToString(true, true) printf "%s" sState if i < (register.StateVector.Length - 1) then printf " + " printfn ")"
In QSharp, the PauliYGate can only really do one thing: be applied to a state vector.
This small program produces the following output:
State Vector: |v> = (AC|00> + AD|01> + BC|10> + BD|11>) Pauli Y: { {0,-i}, {i, 0} } Y(0); State Vector: |v> = (-iBC|00> + -iBD|01> + iAC|10> + iAD|11>) Y(0); State Vector: |v> = (AC|00> + AD|01> + BC|10> + BD|11>) Y(1); State Vector: |v> = (-iAD|00> + iAC|01> + -iBD|10> + iBC|11>)
* Note that coefficient values have not been written back to the console in this example
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