CZ Gate


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The CZ Gate

The CZ gate acts on two qubits. It flips the sign of the target qubit if and only if the control qubit is 1. The CZ gate is a singly-controlled Z gate. The CZ gate is represented by the following matrix:

The CZ matrix

//	One-line notation
{{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0,-1}}

//	Expanded notation
{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0,-1}

Manipulation of a register takes the form of matrix algebra. In order for the mathematics to take place, matricies of appropriate size must be constructed. This can be a tedious and time consuming process.

Thankfully, there is an easier way to compute these outcomes, as will be demonstrated.

It is not possible to 'step-up' a CZ gate to an appropriate size via the same method used for the Pauli family of matrices whereby X and I matrices are combined and tensored together in various ways to achieve the desired result. This process is counter-intuitive and difficult to work out manually, and becomes almost impossible when more than 6 or 7 qubits are involved. The following examples will demonstrate this, and will demonstrate why the Column Method is superior for these complex calculations.


The Quantum Console syntax for this operation is:

CZ(Controln, Targetn);

Where Controln specifies the control qubit, and Targetn specifies the number (or index) of the target qubit we wish to manipulate.

* Note that this index is 0 based, not 1 based as represented in most examples.

1 Qubit Register

As the CZ gate operates on two qubits, it cannot be used with a single qubit register.

2 Qubit Register

Performing this calculation on a two qubit system is fairly straight forward, as the rules for matrix multiplication (number of columns from matrix A must match the number of rows from matrix B) are satisfied.

Matrix mathematics

For the operation CZ(0, 1):

{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0,-1}
Show intermediate working
{ AC|00›},
{ AD|01›},
{ BC|11›},

For the operation CZ(1, 0):

{1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 0,-1}
Show intermediate working
{ AC|00›},
{ AD|01›},
{ BC|10›},

Performing the operation in Quantum Console

For the operation CZ(0, 1):

//	Qubits
(A|0› + B|1›) (x) (C|0› + D|1›)

//	Computational Basis States - Input
AC|00› + AD|01› + BC|10› + BD|11›

//	Quantum Console syntax
//	Apply CZ using control qubit 0 and target qubit 1
CZ(0, 1);

//	Computational Basis States - Ouput
AC|00› + AD|01› + BC|10› + -BD|11›

For the operation CZ(1, 0):

//	Qubits
(A|0› + B|1›) (x) (C|0› + D|1›)

//	Computational Basis States - Input
AC|00› + AD|01› + BC|10› + BD|11›

//	Quantum Console syntax
//	Apply CZ using control qubit 1 and target qubit 0
CZ(1, 0);

//	Computational Basis States - Ouput
AC|00› + AD|01› + BC|10› + -BD|11›

3 Qubit Register

This time, the state vector is larger again (2n, n = 3), at 8 rows, and due to this a CZ gate cannot be applied as the number of columns from matrix A (2) does not match the number of rows from matrix B (8).

Using the Pauli family of matrices, normally a matrix produced from the tensor products of X and I matrices would be constructed to perform the appropriate manipulation, however this method simply doesn't work for CZ operations.

Instead, we will go directly to the Column Method to perform the calculations manually.

The Column Method

You might find that using the column method is easier and faster - it took a while for me to develop, but now I find it easier to use than other methods.

To use the column method:

  1. Write the state vector vertically down the page
  2. Write an index over each bit column
  3. Write the gate over the bit to be operated on
  4. Now, work out the result of the operation, one element at a time, and write these into a new column

CZ 3 Qubit Example

Applying the column method to the 3 qubit example from above:

//	CZ(0, 1);
//	Apply the CZ gate, one element at a time
//	C denotes the control qubit
//	T denotes the target qubit


000  0 00
001  0 01
010  0 10
011  0 11
100  1 00	//	The target sign is flipped if and only if the control is 1
101  1 01
110  1-10
111  1-11

Now, all that is left is to take the values from the left column and plug them into the right column:


ACE|000  ACE|000
ACF|001  ACF|001
ADE|010  ADE|010
ADF|011  ADF|011
BCE|100  BCE|100
BCF|101  BCF|101
BDE|110 -BDE|110
BDF|111 -BDF|111

As the state vector is already in the correct order, no further adjustment is required.

CZ 4 Qubit Example

Applying the column method to a 4 qubit example:

//	CZ(1, 2);
//	Apply the CZ gate, one element at a time
//	C denotes the control qubit
//	T denotes the target qubit


0000  00 00
0001  00 01
0010  00 10
0011  00 11
0100  01 00	//	The target sign is flipped if and only if the control is 1
0101  01 01
0110  01-10
0111  01-11
1000  10 00
1001  10 01
1010  10 10
1011  10 11
1100  11 00
1101  11 01
1110  11-10
1111  11-11

Now, all that is left is to take the values from the left column and plug them into the right column:


ACEG|0000  ACEG|0000
ACEH|0001  ACEH|0001
ACFG|0010  ACFG|0010
ACFH|0011  ACFH|0011
ADEG|0100  ADEG|0100
ADEH|0101  ADEH|0101
ADFG|0110 -ADFG|0110
ADFH|0111 -ADFH|0111
BCEG|1000  BCEG|1000
BCEH|1001  BCEH|1001
BCFG|1010  BCFG|1010
BCFH|1011  BCFH|1011
BDEG|1100  BDEG|1100
BDEH|1101  BDEH|1101
BDFG|1110 -BDFG|1110
BDFH|1111 -BDFH|1111

As the state vector is already in the correct order, no further adjustment is required.

The manipulation of the state vector is now complete.


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