QSharp: Generating Quantum Circuit Diagrams

19 Jul 2015

C#, F#, QSharp, Quantum Computing

The QSharp library will allow you to generate a quantum circuit diagram from a complete set of parsed commands.

First, construct a new QuantumCircuit type from a Register type and a List<Command> list, generated by parsing a command through the CommandParser type.

In the following example, diagrams are generated for three quantum circuits, the in-place majority (MAJ) gate and both 2 and 3 CNOT versions of the unmajority-and-add (UMA) gate as described by Cuccaro, Draper, Kutin and Moulton in their 2008 paper 'A new quantum ripple-carry addition circuit'.

Consider the following C# code, which demonstrates the generation of quantum circuits:

public static void Main(string[] Arguments) 
    //  Construct a register with 3 random qubits
    Register oRegister = new Register(3);  

    //  Always check that we start off with a valid register
    if (oRegister.IsNormalised() == false)  

    //  Majority (MAJ) Circuit
    GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "CNOT(2,1);CNOT(2,0);TOFFOLI(0,1,2);", "001-MAJ"); 

    //  2 CNOT Unmajority-add (UMA) Circuit
    GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "TOFFOLI(0,1,2);CNOT(2,0);CNOT(0,1);", "002-2CNOT-UMA"); 

    //  2 CNOT Unmajority-add (UMA) Circuit
    GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "X(1);CNOT(0,1);TOFFOLI(0,1,2);X(1);CNOT(2,0);CNOT(2,1);", "003-3CNOT-UMA"); 

private static void GenerateCircuit(Register Register, string Command, string CircuitImageName) 
    Parser oParser = new Parser(Command); 
    ParseResult oParseResult = oParser.Parse(Register); 

    QuantumCircuit oQuantumCircuit = new QuantumCircuit(Register, oParseResult.Commands); 

    using (Bitmap oBitmap = oQuantumCircuit.ToBitmap((oParseResult.Commands.Count * 50), 100)) 
        oBitmap.Save(String.Format("{0}.bmp", CircuitImageName)); 

And again, this time in F#

type Program() = 

    static let main argv =  

        //  Construct a register with 3 random qubits
        let oRegister = new Register(3) 

        //  Always check that we start off with a valid register
        if oRegister.IsNormalised() = false then 

        //  Majority (MAJ) Circuit
        Program.GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "CNOT(2,1);CNOT(2,0);TOFFOLI(0,1,2);", "001-MAJ") 

        //  2 CNOT Unmajority-add (UMA) Circuit
        Program.GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "TOFFOLI(0,1,2);CNOT(2,0);CNOT(0,1);", "002-2CNOT-UMA") 

        //  2 CNOT Unmajority-add (UMA) Circuit
        Program.GenerateCircuit(oRegister, "X(1);CNOT(0,1);TOFFOLI(0,1,2);X(1);CNOT(2,0);CNOT(2,1);", "003-3CNOT-UMA") 

        0 // return an integer exit code

    static member GenerateCircuit(register: Register, command: string, circuitimagename: string) = 

        let oParser = new Parser(command) 
        let oParseResult = oParser.Parse(register) 

        let oQuantumCircuit = new QuantumCircuit(register, oParseResult.Commands) 

        (use oBitmap = oQuantumCircuit.ToBitmap((oParseResult.Commands.Count * 50), 100) 
            let sFileName = sprintf "%s.bmp" circuitimagename 

These images will be saved into the same directory as the executable, usually, bin\Debug.


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